
拓展人才資源 培養社會精英
SRDI 經過多年的努力和穩步發展,與工程界和專業團體保持緊密聯系,提供以工程管理為主軸的培訓課程;先後獲得教育局、發展局及勞工處批核本院舉辦多個《持續進修基金》、《非本地高等及專業教育》、環保督導訓練和法定安全訓練課程,得以成為名符其實的行業培訓專家。
自2004年起,SRDI成為英國Pearson BTEC的國際認可培訓中心,資歷水平由英式第一級(適合任何有志接受培訓的在職人士)至第七級專業水平,業務運作由香港推廣至澳門及鄰近地區。作為行業的領導者,SRDI更不遺餘力,將課程類別由建築土木工程,伸延至屋宇設施、工程溝通、安全工程管理、建築測量、工料測量、城市樹木管理……。在2018年,進一步榮獲《國際行業資格認證》的資歷評審,課程及管理均達致國際水平。得到馬來西亞職業安全及健康從業人員協會的支持,本院的安全工程及管理專業文憑現正在吉隆坡舉辦。

提供一系列『即學即用』的事業培訓; 及

With a solid professional foundation, SRDI committed to:
Partnering with other shareholders in the industry to provide relevant education and training services in high quality and effectiveness;
Partnering with overseas educational and professional institutions to promote industrial and vocational qualifications.
Introducing a series of purpose-driven vocational courses; and
Facilitating industrial practitioners a firmed and friendly platform for their professional continuous development.
We therefore welcome whoever and whichever corporations in line with us. Let’s build up a better community by our professional contributions which are made possible.

The training professional to explore and develop the greatest social resource: human
Established in 2002, Social Resources Development Institute (“SRDI”) had a humble start in Hong Kong. With the motto “We are the training professional to explore and develop the greatest social resource: human”.
By fully elaborating persistently the available resources through her industrial networks, SRDI has been complying with requirements of Education Bureau, Development Bureau and Labour Department respectively to deliver vocational education and training courses registered under the Continuous Education Fund (CEF), Non-local Higher and Professional Education (NCR), environmental supervisory scheme and statutory safety training schemes.
Over the years, SRDI has established its reputation as a professional training provider by offering courses mainly of, but not limited to, civil engineering, construction, safety engineering, environmental, engineering communication and urban arboriculture as well. As a Pearson BTEC Centre since 2004, SRDI operates courses from UK Level 1 (open to any ready-to-learn working adults) to Level 7 (equivalent to professional level), geography-wise from Hong Kong to Macau and beyond. In 2018, SRDI has been successfully accredited by the “Industry Qualifications Accreditation International” and benchmarked to international qualification standards. With the supports by the Malaysian Occupational Safety & Health Practitioners’ Association, the SRDI Professional Diploma in Safety Engineering & Management is being launched in Kuala Lumpur.